Discover Greece’s hidden natural gems with Oikoskopio!

Oikoskopio is a web mapping application for the Greek environment designed and managed by WWF Greece. Its aim is to offer easily-accessible, dependable and comprehensive information on the Greek environment to every interested citizen or public service.

How it works

Welcome to the world of geo-spatial information!

Oikoskopio is an interactive tool that demonstrates all the characteristics of Greek nature and the necessary data for its protection.

A huge amount of geo-spatial data is displayed on Greece's map in different levels enabling the user to rate the state of the environment and gain valuable information for from the protected areas to the island wetlands and the changes in land use.


Pyroskopio is the little brother of Oikoskopio, that came to life after the destructive fires in 2007. Pyroskopio displays a collective picture of forest fires in Greece for the last 25 years (1983-2008) by analyzing primary data provided by the Forest Service of the Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems and Forest Products

Technology of the National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF).

This display offers useful data for research and for fire protection mechanisms.


We have visited and studied 803 wetlands in 75 Greek islands and all the information we gathered in 8 years in now available to the public through an interactive database.  For each of these wetlands, the user can find statistics, geographical and other types of data, cartographic displays and photographs.

Oikoskopio Kids

Creative play with an environmental twist!

Oikoskopio Kids, suitable for kids aged 5-15, features entertaining interactive games and quizzes that familiarize them with the use of geographical information and the biodiversity in Greece.

Land coverage

A user friendly web-application where one can easily explore the land coverage changes in 7 selected case-study areas over that last 70 years.

These case study areas were chosen based on the results of the 1987-2007 mapping and each one shows a major trend of land coverage change that
urban expansion touristic infrastructure on coastal and ski areas abandonment of cultivations and deterioration of forests due to overgrazing expansion of cultivations over natural vegetation expansion of forests on open areas reforestation of cultivations and urban growth over mountainous pastures

A joint project implemented in collaboration with the Laboratory of Forest Management and Remote-Sensing of the Forestry Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

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Oikoskopio and all its accompanying databases and applications were co-funded by the non-profits J.S. Latsis Foundation, A.G. Leventis Foundation, Bodossaki Foundation and MAVA Fondation pour la Nature, as well as with funds provided by WWF Greece supporters. The translation of the Oikoskopio mapping application into English was realized with the kind contribution of the Bodossakis Foundation, in acknowledgment of the added value that the dissemination of data concerning the Greek environment to an English speaking audience provides to such a web mapping application.

Oikoskopio, Pyroskopio and the Changes In Land Covers application were developed by the GeoDig company. Ygrotopio was developed by the GuruHost company. Oikoskopio Kids was created thanks to the kind support and grant of he Advanced Technologies for Education and Culture research team of the Department of Digital Systems from the University of Piraeus. Graphic design: Vasilis Kokinidis, WWF Greece.

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