
How about this: you could donate to WWF Greece instead of buying candy (bobonieres) and also ask from your guest to support an endangered species adopt program, instead of bringing gifts. We will give you special printed cards (link on the photo with the card), in order to inform your guests.

The spark for launching this program was given by you! In recent years more and more of our supporters asked if they could help WWF when baptizing their kids. Some do it because they've already gotten far more presents than their offspring could use. Others because they want to share their environmental sensibilities.

If you decide so yourself, i am at your disposal to help planing your "green" baptism.

Ioana Stratou, responsible for supporters - volunteers database
210 314893 (ex. 105), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Make your own "green" baptism and and spread the message that everyone can do something to give a living planet to the new generation.

Have a "green" wedding!

Recently, Mrs I. and Mr C., both living abroad, contacted WWF Greece in order to inform us that since they were getting married, they wished to ask from their guests, instead of buying them gifts, to support some charitable causes. They also told us, quite joyfully, that among the three international charitable institutions they've chosen, WWF Greece was one of them!

If you too have already covered the basic needs of your new household, and have environmental sensibilities you want to share with the ones close to you, you can choose this original wedding gift. We will help you spread the message to your guests and what is more give you ideas on how the greatest moment of your life can set an environmental example.

In Memoriam

It's a unique way to honor you loved ones and keep their memory alive.

When you make a donation in memoriam of a friend, relative or loved one, you can at the same time send a life message in WWF Greece's effort for the safeguard of nature.

However small or big the donation, it's equally important!

If you wish to make a donation in memoriam of a loved one you can fill the following form, in order to notify with a letter the family of the deceased and send to you a thank-you letter with the donation receipt attached to it.

Last but not least, if you wish so, we will write about your donation on our magazine Living Planet.

For more info:
Ioana Stratou, responsible for supporters - volunteers database
210 314893 (ex. 105), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You can make your donation using the following bank accounts of WWF Greece:

National Bank of Greece: 104/480440-64 – IBAN: GR55 0110 1040 0000 10448044064
Alpha Bank: 1010020020-21025 – IBAN: GR23 0140 1010 1010 0200 2021 025
Eurobank: 0026.0101.59.0100114688 – IBAN: GR61 0260 1010 0005 9010 0114 688

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