We have the good fortune to live in one of the planet's most gifted places. Greece, though small on the map, has places of great ecological significance and is home to many ecologically important species.

These places and species, along with the remarkably diverse Greek landscape, form our unique natural heritage, which is, today more than ever, threatened with irreversible damage.

Therefore, in order to preserve our past and safeguard our present, we strive for the conservation of Greek nature in forests, marine areas and wetlands. These unique ecosystems are home to equally unique endangered species. The seal, the loggerhead turtle, the Dalmatian pelican and the golden jackal are just a few of them.
At the same time, however, we cannot ignore the future. We work to identify Greece’s comparative advantage and to promote long-term solutions for a truly sustainable future.

People are at the center of our actions. We work together seeking ecological, economical and participatory ways to make our daily life better. We put forward comprehensive proposals and solutions that make up our vision of a sustainable economy: one that preserves natural capital as its indisputable base.
These are treacherous times. Since Greece went into crisis in 2010, we are faced daily with new threats to the natural environment. We have, therefore, developed new reflexes and tools to deal with the crisis. Hoping that these reflexes will fortify all aspects of our work, we continue in our endeavor with added zest and a sense of responsibility. It’s now or never!

What we don't do

We are the largest environmental organization in Greece, with a strong presence and significant work at every level of environmental work. However, this does not mean that we are able to tackle every single environmental issue. Our resources are limited and in many cases, there is very little that we can do.

What we will definitely not do is adopt an adventurist approach. We do not allow ourselves to be carried away by headlines or fascinated by the perspective of effortless victory and ephemeral publicity.

Our choices are the result of diligent planning: determining our mid-term strategy (in Greek), concretizing actions planned and focused in line with internationally adopted approaches, and continuously monitoring our progress, evaluating and redesigning our plan of action. In our jargon, this is called project cycle management. It is the foundation of our accountability and our way to honor society's trust and to ensure that the resources provided by our supporters are used in the best possible way.

What makes us stand out

For more than half a century, we have been promoting reliable solutions to the most crucial environmental issues in Greece and the rest of the planet through integrated approaches, with a spirit of cooperation and complete transparency.

On the front line

We have been on the front line of environmental conservation for half a century. We have contributed to the signing of historic treaties and have inspired millions of citizens to take action for a living planet.

Promoting solutions

We do not merely point out problems. We draw on our experience, our partners and our strong scientific foundation to promote sustainable ways of resolving them.

Integrated approach

We look at the big picture. We do not deal with environmental issues in isolation but along with their social, economic and political causes and consequences.

Creating partnerships

We work across borders and different cultures to create partnerships between citizens, local communities, NGOs, businesses and governments.


We manage our resources with absolute transparency and according to the most rigorous national and international standards. Our financial records are audited annually by certified public accountants and the Ministry of Finance.

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