© V. Foufa - E. Tziritis - V. Kokkinidis / WWF Greece,

People can support the work of WWF Greece in a number of ways. And some people manage to make a huge difference to our work and our lives.

Paul became a High Donor to WWF Greece in October 2013, during a special dinner for the benefit of WWF hosted by two of the organisation board members. He soon took a keen interest in our work and, due to his love of the Greek sea and his strong family ties to Andros island, he was compelled to become involved in our flagship marine project entitled CYCLADES LIFE. The project which is already underway with a number of partners, aims to establish a model Marine Protected Area around Gyaros island, with an interdisciplinary approach that will promote the sustainable development of the local communities in Syros and Andros, support sustainable fisheries and protect the unique biodiversity, such as the critically endangered Mediterranean Monk Seal.

An enthusiastic ‘doer’ by nature and inspired by the pioneer swimmer Lewis Pugh, whom he met and swam with, Paul proposed to raise money for WWF by swimming a 15 km distance with his partner Nathalie and by persuading their friends and contacts to sponsor them with €500 per/km. It is worth noting that this distance equals 300 Olympic size swimming pools and neither are professional swimmers! Paul and Nathalie’s Swimathon took place on October 11th at the bay of Porto Rafti, with another 25 swimmers participating and was a great success! Once the follow up is complete, the proceeds are expected to exceed €80,000, fully covering the remaining WWF contribution toward the CYCLADES LIFE project.

Thanks to these two exceptional individuals, one of our most significant projects has received a huge boost. Their generosity and commitment inspired their friends to embrace their efforts and the Greek environment has gained a huge gift. We are now able to focus our efforts on other pressing conservation needs that call for our involvement.

If you feel you wish to make your own inspirational contribution to the work of WWF Greece please don’t hesitate to contact me for a chat!

Emily Kern, responsible for Distinguished Friends,
210 3314893 (ex. 107), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..