We support the local actions of organizations and citizens and transmit whenever possible, their technical know-how to anyone interested in the environment.

This is why we made, with the kind support of the EUROBANK group, 10 guidelines entitled Environmental Guidelines.

These Guidelines contain necessary, accurate, scientific information presented in a simple and accessible way, with specific examples of good and bad practice.

An easy and quick way for any active citizen of our country to be informed.

Download one or more environmental guidelines and back the actions you're making for the protection of the environment. Please note though, that all the following eco-guides are in Greek language.

  1. Waste Management
  2. Forest Fire Fighting / Forest Protection
  3. Organization and Operation of Environmental Organizations
  4. Legal Guideline on the environment (in collaboration with Ombudsman)
  5. Finding resources from environmental GNO's
  6. Green and open areas in the city
  7. Guideline on Tourism and the Environment
  8. Guideline on Problems and Solutions for Integrated Water Management
  9. Air and Atmospheric Pollution
  10. Renewable Sources of Energy

We created these guidelines by consulting special scientists with theoretical and practical experience on each field, while also sought the cooperation of the competent institutions, life for example of the Ombudsman in creating the Legal Guideline.

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