WWF's work in Greece kicked off with the reforestation of the Hymettus mountain range in 1969. Forest conservation was from the outset one of our main priorities.
In 1998, we were the first to introduce to public debate the threat of forest fires and their deeper causes through the three-year campaign Forests Forever. With the help of thousands of supporters we managed to prevent the downgrading of forest protection in the constitutional revision of 2001.

In 2007, when the entire country was devastated by catastrophic wildfires, we could not remain idle in front of the ashes. This is why the recently completed (2011) program Forests for the Future (in Greek) was developed. It is perhaps the largest project we have completed and also one of the largest projects for environmental conservation to ever be carried out in Greece by a non-state organization. Through social mobilization, scientific research, political pressure and concrete proposals, the program aimed at creating a better future for Greek forests. The numbers speak for themselves:

  • We put in 28,886 hours of work in the forests and delivered tangible results regarding the regeneration of fire-stricken areas.
  • We mapped 278,862 square kilometers of ground and created a unique knowledge base on Greek forests and Greek ground in general.
  • We conducted 1,500 on-the-spot examinations.
  • We supported 84 volunteer forest protection groups throughout the country.
  • We educated 11,530 pupils on our forests' value and the importance of preserving them.
  • We monitored 868 threatened animals and drew up comprehensive proposals for their protection.
  • We presented concrete proposals for comprehensive forest protection, among which the following stand out: A Sustainable Future for Greek Forests | May 2008 (in Greek), Volunteering, Forest Protection and Forest Firefighting in Greece | June 2009 (in Greek), The Uncertain Future of Forests | June 2010 (in Greek).
  • We filed 159 complaints with the proper authorities about illegal activities in forest areas with the support of the Citizen Support Legal Team.
  • We mobilized civil society and collaborated with 102 institutions.

All of these activities were carried out with the co-financing of the J.S. Latsis, the A.G. Leventis and the Bodossakis Public Benefit Foundations and the support of private individuals.

We continue our work with even greater vigor, building on our experience and knowledge and the support of active citizens.

Project leader:
Evi Korakaki, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0030 210 3314893

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