Funders that have contributed over 2% of our yearly incomes are:

  2016 2015
MAVA Foundation 1.000.000 1.000.000
A. G. Leventis Foundation 200.000 200.000
European Commission - LIFE +2012 Nature - ‘’LIFE Cyclades’’ project 169.445,36 321.509,00
Stavros Niarchos Foundation 134.631,73 151.062,19
WWF Network 124.015,32 98.562,11
EFG Eurobank Cards 66.561,62 30.729,60
European Commission – Horizon 2020 - ‘’TILOS’’ Project 45.615,71 24.835,51
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund 39.384,78 -
AB Vassilopoulos 37.200 49.200
European Climate Foundation 36.334,66 58.910,31
European Commission – DEAR Programme - ‘’Fish Forward’’ Project 34.310,34 18.002,82
Prince Albert II Of Monaco Foundation 24.010,04 85.393,15
European Commission - MED Programme – “MedTrends” Project - 76.883,56
Total 1.911.510 € 2.115.088 €

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