Since the very beginning of WWF Greece, the financial support offered from Charitable Foundations has played an important role in promoting and achieving our conservation goals. In fact, the greater part of WWF Greece’s funding comes from such institutions covering a range of needs from field projects & environmental education to civil engagement & policy campaigns.

Thanks to these Greek and International Charitable Foundations that have steadily offered their financial support we have been able to proceed with long-term planning and the uninterrupted implementation of our conservation program. Many times the support offered goes far beyond finances as it involves the provision of advice, knowledge and moral support.

Contribution from charitable foundations for 2016

The percentage of our income that came from charitable foundations for the period of 01/07/2011 – 30/06/2012 was 54% which equals to 1,854,752€.

MAVA Foundation

The MAVA Foundation is a charitable organization based in Switzerland, which supports nature conservation. MAVA has been by our side since the very beginning, back in 1991, when Dr. Luc Hoffmann, co-founder of WWF Greece, was also the head of the Foundation. Ever since, MAVA is our greater ally, supporting us through thick and thin. Initially, the MAVA Foundation supported specific programs, but from 2002 and onwards they support our work with unrestricted funds that exceed 8 million Euros in total.

A.G. Leventis Foundation

The A.G. Leventis Foundation is the main supporter of our activities in Dadia since 2002. Moreover, it has been one of the three main donors to the The Future Of Forests program. From 2012 onwards it offers unrestricted funds to the organization.

J. S. Latsis Foundation

The J. S. Latsis Foundation was one of the three main donors of the “The Future of Forests” program that was conducted by WWF Greece from 2008 until 2012 and it has also actively supported part of the operation of Ikoskopio, an interactive e-portal that offers valuable environment data and information.

During the current financial year it supported part of the “Better Life” program, which has as main goal the mobilization of the Greek society and its citizens and the reduction of our ecological footprint resulting from the way we live.

Stavros Niarchos Foundation

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation is the main supporter of the “Better Life” program since 2012, which has as main goal the mobilization of the Greek society and its citizens and the reduction of our ecological footprint resulting from the way we live.
During the current financial year, it continued its support to the program as the primary donor.

European Climate Foundation

The European Climate Foundation (ECF) – a ‘foundation of foundations’ – was established in the Netherlands in 2008 as a major philanthropic initiative to help Europe foster the development of a low-carbon society and play an even stronger international leadership role to mitigate climate change. In this context it supports our programs and actions for the development of a low carbon society and to mitigate climate change since 2012.

In the financial year of 2016, it supported the program “A Future for Greece without lignite”.

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation was founded in 2006, with its mission the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development worldwide. Specifically, it supports actions which aim to reduce the impact of climate change and promote renewable energy, conservation of biodiversity, management of water resources and combating desertification.

It is on our side since 2013 as the co-financer of the "Cyclades LIFE” program, aiming the integrated monk seal conservation in Northern Cyclades.

Rewilding Europe Foundation

Rewilding Europe is a pan-European initiative, registered in 2011 by four initiating partners: WWF Nederland, Wild Wonders of Europe, ARK Nature and Conservation Capital. The mission of the organization, which works with a team of professionals drawn from 13 European countries, is to make Europe a wilder place, with much more space for wildlife, wilderness and natural processes.

It is on our side from the beginning of 2016 as the leading partner of the "LIFE RE-Vultures” program, aiming the conservation of black and griffon vultures in the cross-border Rhodope Mountains.

Contact: Sofia Koukoulaki,
+30 210 3314893 (ex.. 109), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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