We live beyond our means and our planet’s ecological limits.
In order to reverse the trend and change this reality, we need to work with leading companies which have influence on their employees, partners, and consumers.
We need to challenge conventional business thinking and develop new approaches and opportunities.

Our approach to working with the private sector is constructive and solutions-oriented. It is both collaborative in its methods, rigorous in its standards, and challenging in its objectives.

We bring independent expertise to the table and accompany businesses through strategic long-term change. 

Our basic guiding principles in corporate engagement are: 

  • Transparency
  • Measurable results
  • The right to disagree

How do we work with businesses?

  • Establish partnerships with companies in order to change the way business is done;
  • Collaborate with companies on a marketing level to communicate with and educate people about our work as well as in order to raise funds for our projects
  • Convene stakeholders around a single or a sector wide issue (such as Finance)
  • Work with media partners and sponsors to communicate sustainable opportunities and solutions to a wide audience
  • Promote environmental awareness and responsible environmental practice among customers, employees and industry leaders

What are the criteria for the approval of corporate sponsorships?

WWF Greece receives donations from companies under a strict frame of criteria and principles, which consists of the following:

  • The cases for the establishment of donation partnerships are examined with due attention and thoroughness. Thus, the smooth realization of organization’s duties is ensured, without jeopardizing its credibility, its financial independence and its right to give open critique.
  • Donation partnerships with businesses which are active in fields such as fossil fuel, nuclear energy, tobacco and defense industry, are explicitly excluded from the company’s internal guidelines and procedures globally.
  • Our involvement in any business partnership is thoroughly examined, not only by WWF Greece, but also by the relevant WWF International committees.
  • Principally, we choose businesses that fulfill specific criteria, such as company’s social responsibility, employees’ rights and compliance with the regulatory and legal frame, etc.
  • We choose also businesses that have international partnerships through our global network.
  • For reasons of financial security and independence we try to ensure diversity in regards to donations. Thus we avoid any possible dependence on donations from specific business fields.
  • We closely monitor the activities of all partner-businesses and we do not hesitate, if necessary, to dissolve a partnership,-an incident that has already occurred in the past.
  • We pursue, when possible, to extend the framework of a donation partnership to a synergy on issues related to the exploration of sustainable practices and operations for each donor.

Business partnerships for 2016

Alfa-Beta Vassilopoulos

As part of WWF’s Greece "Responsible Fishery" programme, the organization and AB Vassilopoulos, in collaboration with the fishermen purse in Kavala, fish company "Manios" and the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), started for the first time in Greece and the Mediterranean a fleet sustainability improvement programme. The aim of this innovative synergy is to achieve sustainability of the purse seine fleet of Kavala fishing anchovy and sardine, according to the standards of ecological Marine Stewardship Council Fisheries Certification (MSC).

For the first time in Greece, State, fishermen, scientists and enterprises come together to preserve the Greek Seas and keep them “alive”, actively supporting fishery and offering viable options to consumers.
This programme is a result of the collaboration between WWF Greece and AB Vassilopoulos from 2011, on the assessment of fish supply chain and the development of a strategy for sustainability.

Alfa-Beta Vassilopoulos

The impact of the aquaculture industry, which  is growing rapidly in fish populations, marine ecosystems, water quality and society, can be significantly and measurably reduced when responsible practices are applied.

WWF Greece and AB Vasilopoulos with their collaboration for the supermarket chain to manage responsibly its supplies of aquaculture products, along with NIREUS S.a, started the implementation of a programme that aims to the further improvement of management practices for three bream fish farms and sea bass of Nireus at Aliveri, Astakos and Nafpaktos. This programme is implemented according to the standards of sustainable aquaculture developed for other farmed species, by the independent international organization Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and will be tailored to the requirements of Mediterranean species.

Phase one of the programme, which was completed in 2014, focused on the evaluation and classification of imported and domestic AB aquaculture supplies, but also to develop an action plan for responsible fish farming sea bream and sea bass in Greece.

Andriaki Shipping LTD

Andros is an island with rich biodiversity and unique environmental characteristics. But the natural environment is under increasing pressure. Main cause is the repeated forest fires! In the last 12 years, more than 110 fires have erupted on the island which have burned over 30% of the total area! In April 2016 WWF Greece, in collaboration with the Association of Volunteer Firefighting of Andros and other state bodies of the island, began a pilot regional campaign to prevent forest fires and to raise awareness of the local community and the involvement of local stakeholders, through information and dissemination activities. The programme is implemented with the generous support of the maritime company Andriaki Shipping.

Vlachaki Eggs

By spreading the statement “A natural alliance” and its financial contribution, Vlachakis Eggs assists WWF Greece since 2004 in raising public awareness and informing about the organic practices followed in their production.

Coca-Cola Tria Epsilon

Crete and Lesvos are home to more than 280 of a total of 806 wetlands, registered by WWF Greece through the program "Protection Island wetlands of Greece."
since 2011, with the support of the Network of Coca-Cola in Greece (Coca-Cola HBC and Coca-Cola Hellas) within the framework of environmental programme “Mission: Water”, WWF Greece initiated the creation of a dynamic volunteer network in Crete , Paros, Lesvos, helping to raise awareness and mobilize stakeholders and citizens on the ecological, social and economic importance of wetlands.

Each year the network consisting of around 70 active citizens, connected with local authorities, implements more than 40 actions supporting and mobilizing public officials, local NGOs and the general public (around 7,000 citizens).
The monitoring of 1,400 hectares of wetland areas, has revealed degradation cases and has helped local authorities to take recovery actions.

Eurobank Cards

The WWF Eurobank Visa card - the first "green" card - has reimbursed to WWF Greece over 1,500,000€ and more than 140,000 cards have been issued from 2001 to June 2016. For every new card issued, Eurobank Cards pays WWF Greece 3€, an amount that rises to 8,8€, if the request is made by a WWF Greece supporter, whilst for renewing a card 1,5€ is paid. Moreover, any purchase being made with a WWF Eurobank VISA, the 0.07% of the total transaction is paid to WWF Greece without further charging the card owner.

Get yourself a WWF Eurobank Visa

Call now 210 9555555 or fill the form online.

If you are a WWF Greece supporter don't forget to mention it.


In 2015, WWF Greece started an ambitious collaboration in 11 European countries in order to raise awareness of consumers to the global ecological and social impacts of overfishing and the responsible consumption of fish.
The main pillars of the programme focus to:  inform consumers on the benefits of responsible consumption of fish for society, the bond between sea and man and to promote solutions to the enterprises for sustainable seafood available in local markets.
For the first time in Greece, Greek consumers are able to have their own personal guide. The Fish Guide, available at any time from a computer or mobile phone, now advises everyone on sustainable consumption choices from a wide range of Greek and imported fish.

Alongside the Restaurant Fishweek in cooperation with Athinorama magazine, invites city restaurants and those who love fish to take part in a tasty trip of information for responsible supply and consumption of fish. Through professional seminars in gastronomy schools, a new generation will be trained on how a sustainable fish sourcing becomes the norm rather than the exception.
The program in Greece is co-funded by 15% by the Unilever Group.

Responsible of  corporate partnerships: 
Sofia Koukoulaki, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 2103314893

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