Twelve years ago, the island wetlands of Greece were largely unknown and practically unprotected, thus facing immediate threats that could lead to their permanent loss. Today, following a WWF Greece project spanning many years, more than 800 island wetlands have been inventoried, their importance is widely recognized and the protection of most is secured. At the same time, the prospect of a similar Mediterranean project is closer than ever.

To mark the near-completion of the project "Conservation of the island wetlands of Greece", outcomes and achievements will be presented by WWF Greece on Wednesday 9th of December in Gland, Switzerland. The presentation will be attended by representatives of the MAVA Foundation, which supported us from the early beginning of the project in 2004, as well as colleagues from WWF International, who proved to be valuable partners in promoting the significance of small island wetlands on a global scale. Moreover, staff from the Ramsar Secretariat and IUCN have been invited and it will be our honor to share with them the knowledge and experience gained during our efforts to protect these numerous and dispersed ecological diamonds.

Date: Wednesday 9th December
Time: 12:30-13:30
Place: IUCN Building, Red List A

Read more about the programme "Conservation of the island wetlands of Greece":

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